Partner with nutraMetrix®
health professional program
Surveys show that many people want to be advised by their primary health care providers about wellness and products. Additionally, the surveys show that they are already using supplements (and often lots of them) may not be effective. You are concerned about the effectiveness and safety of the supplements your patients take without guidance, and are looking for a way to help your patients optimize their health without an overwhelming amount of returned calls or well-care office visits. We can bridge the gap and work in partnership with your team to improve the wellness and lifestyles of your patients.
the challenges health professionals face
1. NNFA data suggest more than 242 million Americans take supplements, 65% of our population, of whom:
70% claim to feel better
67% take them to prevent illness
60% take vitamins to help them when they’re sick
49% use them because their doctor suggested them
Surveys indicate that many patients prefer to receive wellness info, products and services from their own trusted health professional

2. 95% of medical expenses is spent on sick care…treating disease after it already occured, the other 5% on health care, preventative care, our main issues being:
Cardiovascular disease: affects 37% of the population
High cholesterol: 35%
Hypertension: 34%, Prehypertension: 36%
Diabetes: 11%, 35% being Prediabetic and estimates of 40% of children today being diabetic in 10 years
Cancer: 41% of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our lifetime
Osteoporosis: 50% of women, 25% of men over 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their life

3. It takes eating 4 apples today to get the same amount of Vitamin C than that of 1 apple from 1950! No wonder we’re overeating. We’re calorie rich and nutrient poor! Supplementation, now more than ever, is necessary to fill in gaps that we’re unable to accomplish with today’s diet and lifestyle norms.
Health Professional’s practices whom Diane has successfully launched:
Chinese Medicine
Family Medicine
Personal Trainers
Gym Owners
And more!!!

Thousands of licensed health professionals throughout the United States and the world are implementing nutraMetrix® Custom Wellness Solutions in their practices.
value. ​quality care. convenience.